Components of Early Literacy; Vocabulary
Starting 10/25/2019 at 12:30 PM and ending on 10/25/2019 at 3:30 PM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 8 - Early Childhood
There are three components of early literacy; print awareness, phonological awareness and oral language. This session will focus on oral language, specifically integrated vocabulary use in the classroom. Participants will understand, use and apply both basic and advanced vocabulary principles and techniques. 
OCCRRA  Use ST Code 10079946.
Two Graduate Credit Hours: Must attend all sessions scheduled for the 2019-2020 school year. Participants will need to submit certificate of attendance as well as a reflection on which strategies they implemented in the classroom for each session to Annette [email protected]

Course Credit Option:

One or two Graduate Credit Hours are available through Ashland University. In order to receive credit, you must contact Alice Doyle prior to your attendance at the first components of literacy session. Alice will provide you with information on how to register for the course credit option.

One Graduate Credit Hour: Must attend at least 3 sessions that equal or exceed 12.5 hours of face to face training time. Participants will need to submit certificate of attendance as well as a reflection on which strategies they implemented in the classroom for each session to Annette Gross[email protected].

Summit Educational Service Center