Special Education Forum
Starting 2/6/2025 at 9:45 AM and ending on 2/6/2025 at 10:45 AM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 8 - Special Education
Success in special education can feel like a moving target. Stay focused and get the information you need to support high-quality service with our bimonthly series for special education leaders. Hear the latest federal and state updates, learn effective practices for closing achievement gaps, get talking points to help keep your building personnel sharp, and network with special education leaders from our three-county region.
 Special Ed Forum dates:   9/5/24, 11/7/2024, 2/6/2024, 5/1/2024 - Please register for each session you plan to attend separately. 
 NEW in 2024-2025: SST8 will be hosting SpEd Forum as a HYBRID meeting with options to attend either in-person and virtual options. 
   - If you attend in-person: SST8 is hosting SpEd Forum on a conference-style day at Summit ESC with many other events going on which also may be of interest to you (e.g., legislative updates, SpEd legal updates). Registration links for additional events on these dates will be added as soon as they are available, or you can find them on Summit ESC’s Event Calendar: https://www.summitesc.org/protected/MasterCalendar.aspx?dasi=4GB3Y&e=&g=&vs=13&d=&
  - If you attend virtually: Only SST8 SpEd Forum (not other SESC events) will be available virtually. Recordings of all Forums will be shared 1-2 days after the session
Audience: Special Education Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors  
Summit Educational Service Center