SPED Office Hours-Session 1 (on-line/virtual)
Starting 9/15/2021 at 9:00 AM and ending on 9/15/2021 at 10:00 AM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 8 - Special Education
Dee Dee Howes & Helen Brophy tackle your tough questions regarding special education during their monthly virtual office hours. Discuss problems and explore solutions with the Sped Squad and your colleagues in the region. Email your questions to them ahead of time if possible or fire them at the team "in the moment."  

Audience:  Special Education Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors, Leads, School Psychologists 

Dates:  9/15/2021, 10/20/21, 11/10/21, 1/19/22, 2/16/22, 3/16/22, 4/20/22, 5/18/22
Please register for each session you plan to attend