MTSS for Equity is a professional learning network designed to meet the unique needs of curriculum and student services leaders looking to implement effective Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in their LEAs. In particular, this network was developed to help leaders take explicit steps to establish a mindset/culture in the district that supports equity-focused MTSS; identify clear equity entry points; discuss equitable assessment procedures; develop district-level non-negotiables and building-level implementation; and review equity audits. The sessions will allow time for participants to share and network with other colleagues engaged in similar work and to spend time with their own team to create actionable steps and plans. This network is a continuation from the 2021-2022 year for those that wanted to address disproportionality within their districts or had an SPP Indicator finding but new teams and districts are welcome to join us! Please contact Jenine Sansosti at [email protected] to determine if this is a good fit for your leadership team.
Sessions: 09/20/2022 (for new teams only); 10/11/2022; 12/13/2022; 2/14/2023; and 4/11/2023. Registering for day 1 registers you for all 4 days.
Audience: To ensure MTSS is developed in an integrated way, we recommend registering a minimum of one curriculum leader and one student services leader and others such as coordinators, school psychologists, instructional coaches, are also welcome.