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Serving Medina, Portage,
and Summit Counties


IDEA Compliance

Need Training on ETR/IEP/Transition?

SST8 no longer offers ETR, IEP or Transition 101 trainings for the region.  ODE has developed a series of Universal Support Modules that provide entry-level information on ETR, IEP, and Transition.  These tools, including narrated PowerPoint slides and transcripts, are excellent resources for onboarding new special education staff or providing a refresher when needed. 
Need to go deeper with ETR, IEP, or Transition?  Additional options include
  • SST8's Beyond Compliance PD on-demand: Access comprehensive online modules on Preschool and School-age ETR, IEP, and Post-Secondary Transition to take your teams even farther into developing high-quality special education records designed to make a meaningful difference for students with disabilities. Participants who complete all modules and engagement activities of a course will receive participation credit via contact hour certificate.
  • Stay current on the latest updates and practices at our annual Internal Monitoring Updates session, which can be found in our Events Calendar.
  • Check with your ESC for trainings on ETR/IEP/Transition or Legal Updates.  

Ohio's General Supervision System: Monitoring State and Federal Requirements

States have a responsibility under federal law, to establish a system of general supervision that monitors school district implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004.

Using this system of general supervision, states are accountable for enforcing requirements and ensuring continuous improvement. This system is comprised of nine key components and is designed to: a) ensure compliance with federal and state regulations and b) improve services and results for students with disabilities.

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW), Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) directs Ohio’s system of general supervision on behalf of both their office and the Office for Early Learning and School Readiness (OELSR), which is responsible for Part B Section 619 of the IDEA. OELSR staff work in collaboration with OEC staff on some components of general supervision where specified.

For school-age special education, OEC integrates effective monitoring supports and strategies across all components of the general supervision system using various data sources and methods to monitor all educational agencies. Ohio’s IDEA monitoring process includes three tiers:
• Tier 1: Special Education Profile (Compliance and Performance Indicator Reviews);
• Tier 2: IDEA Self-Review; and
• Tier 3: IDEA Monitoring Reviews.

For preschool special education, the Department of Children and Youth (DCY) also uses a tiered monitoring system. To learn more, visit 

Ohio's Dispute Resolution Resources

Situations may arise where parents or other family members believe a school has violated federal or state law. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) and Office of Early Learning and School Readiness (EL&SR) encourage parents, family members and schools to work together to resolve differences. Learn more about the various options offered by the DEW Dispute Resolution Office.

SST8's Special Education team members can assist family members with questions about the special education evaluation process, Ohio's required and optional forms, Ohio's Guide to Parent Rights, and basics about ETRs and IEPs. Please note that SST personnel may not attend ETR/IEP meetings, serve in an advocacy role, or conduct assessments/observations to assist the school-based team.

Virtual Office Hours

From September through May, SST8 consultants Helen Brophy and Dee Dee Howes will host monthly "Virtual Office Hours" via webinar to answer questions from educators regarding special education policies and practices, including ETR/IEP questions. Sessions are recorded and archived for future listening via our SST8 YouTube Channel.  Please remember that all guidance shared is current only as of the date of the session and could later be revised by U.S. Department of Ed or ODE policy changes.  Interested in joining a session? Visit our Events Calendar to find the next session!

For more information, please contact

Dee Dee Howes
Howes, Dee Dee
Educational Consultant
Office: 330-929-6634 x 511272
Helen Brophy
Brophy, Helen
Educational/Transition Consultant
Office: 330-929-6634 x 511268
Jenine Sansosti
Sansosti, Jenine
SST-8 Director
Office: 330-929-6634 x 511242
Stacey Smith
Smith, Stacey
Assistant Director/Educational Consultant
Office: 330-929-6634 x 511401