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Serving Medina, Portage,
and Summit Counties


Regional Networks

SST8 Regional Networks

Visit our Events Calendar to register for sessions of interest. 
Most networks require registration for each session you wish to participate in.

K-12 Principals Resource Network
As a K-12 building principal, these 90 minutes may become your most valuable each month.  Spend the first 30 minutes with SST8 OIP consultants as they lead participants through ODE updates and other timely administrative topics related to school improvement.  Next, SST8 literacy consultants will walk you down the literacy pathway modeling evidence-based practices for successful, efficient language and literacy instruction in your building.  Each session concludes with ample time to network with elementary or secondary colleagues.  
*Dates:  9/28; 10/17; 11/21; 12/19; 2/27; 4/23. All dates are virtual: 9:00 - 10:30am

Region 8 Literacy Leader (R8LL) Network
We all know that the Science of Reading is the evidence and Structured Literacy is the application... but what and how are we applying it?  Work alongside colleagues in a virtual environment to create an instructional playbook including evidence based skills and strategies using the framework of Scarborough’s Reading Rope. As an instructional leader, you’ll have the knowledge and materials to share with your teams as they provide the direct instruction needed to close reading gaps at any grade level, K-12. This is your next step in MTSS.  And knowing that none of this is sustainable without coaching support, Summit ESC will join us for the last 30 minutes with coaching updates and materials.  
*Dates: 9/20; 10/18; 11/15; 1/17; 2/21; 3/20; 4/17; 5/15. All dates are virtual: 9:00 - 11:00

Early Childhood Administrators Network  
This on-going series for Early Learning Administrators will cover hot topics in education today from both a regional, state and national perspective.  We will provide information and practices to support students and families, teachers, assistants and related services within your district, and allow you to network with other districts.  Topics are consistent with the professional development that is being offered regionally, state initiatives and nationally recognized best practice.   Ohio Approved Credit will be given in OCCRRA.
*Dates: In Person 9/7/23; Virtual 10/26/23, 1/11/24, 3/14/24, 5/16/24

Itinerant Educators Network
Are you feeling alone in your role as an itinerant teacher?  Are you in need of resources to support your work?  Would you like to network with other itinerant teachers?  If so, come and join the itinerant network!  This group of knowledgeable professionals have been meeting for the past 9 years and have evolved their practice by conversing in depth about the consultative model, staying current with research, sharing resources with each other, and problem solving situations with others that understand the itinerant role.   Credit will be given in OCCRRA.  
*Dates: In-Person 9/19/23, 12/5/23, 2/6/24 and 4/16/24.  

PBIS Leaders Network
This series is intended for any PBIS leaders in districts and buildings.  It will provide current updates, professional development and networking for session participants.  
*Dates:  9/26/23 (in-person), 11/30/23 (virtual), 1/18/24 (virtual), 2/29/24 (in-person) and 5/9/24 (virtual).

Special Education Forum
Success in special education can feel like a moving target. Stay focused and get the information you need to support high-quality service with our bimonthly series for special education leaders. Hear the latest federal and state updates, learn effective practices for closing achievement gaps, hear talking points to help keep your building personnel sharp, and network with special education leaders from our three-county region.
*Dates: 9/12/23, 10/31/23, 1/23/24, 3/12/24, 5/14/24. The first four dates are virtual; May 14th session is in person at Summit ESC.

Tri-County Transition Council
The Tri-County Transition Resource Council is a collaboration of various County agencies, County Transition Teams, Intervention Specialists, Transition Coordinators, JTCs, Directors, Parents, Community members and Higher Education who seek to improve post-school outcomes for youth with disabilities.  Through speaker presentations, sharing information and ideas,  concerns and collaboration, this group provides a platform for action steps and solutions.
*Dates: In-Person 10/18/23 and 4/17/23 … Virtual 2/14/24 and 2/22/24

*Dates and offerings are subject to change