Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Fidelity Rubric (IMFR) is a tool created to assess an elementary school’s implementation of Integrated Multi-tiered Systems of Support (I-MTSS). I-MTSS is a model where academic and social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) supports are strategically combined to improve students' academic (e.g., reading and/or math) and SEB outcomes.
The tool was developed by researchers at AIR and the University of Missouri (MU) as a part of a five-year study funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Investigators included Dr. Allison Gandhi (AIR, principal investigator), Dr. Erica Lembke (MU, co-principal investigator) and Dr. Chris Riley-Tillman (MU, co-principal investigator). Jennifer Pierce (AIR) served as project director and Heather Smith (MU) served as project coordinator.