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Serving Medina, Portage,
and Summit Counties


About Us


State Support Team, Region 8 (SST8) supports districts and community schools in Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties in closing achievement gaps for students with disabilities and all other underperforming groups by helping them develop efficient, effective systems and processes, and by supporting use of research-based instructional practices.

SST8 provides free professional development and support to meet the many and varied needs of the districts and community schools. SST8 provides intensive support for some districts and buildings according to state and federal requirements, but also offers professional development opportunities, networks, and technical assistance for all districts and community schools in our three-county region, with a focus on early learning and school readiness, systemic school improvement/Ohio Improvement Process, inclusive instructional practices, multi-tiered systems of support (including Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), and special education.

Not in Region 8? Click here to find the State Support Team that supports your county. 
IDEA Disclaimer Notice
This document/product/software was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education and Workforce, Office of Special Education Programs, (Award #H027A160111, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Education and Workforce, Office of Special Education Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred.
We strive to make this website accessible for all users and will test and modify this website for optimal usability. If you have questions about our web accessibility, or find any pages on our website that do not validate or pose other accessibility barriers, please contact Jenine Sansosti, SST-8 Director, at [email protected].

SST-8 Director

Jenine Sansosti
Sansosti, Jenine
SST-8 Director
Office: 330-929-6634 x 511242