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Serving Medina, Portage,
and Summit Counties



Literacy in Region 8

Child raising hand in classroom
We provide a wide-range of support to our region that is focused on improving literacy as detailed in Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Improvement.  Ohio’s language and literacy vision strives to reduce language and literacy barriers for each learner. Further, it aims to significantly increase the number of learners who develop the language and literacy skills they need for grade-level reading comprehension and thus are prepared for their futures. You can learn more about Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement here.

Read Ohio

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The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce aims to increase student achievement through improving language and literacy outcomes for all students. Read Ohio is a statewide effort to encourage reading, no matter your age, because reading is the foundation for success. A successful language and literacy framework is built on five interrelated components—teacher capacity, shared leadership, multi-tiered systems of support, parent partnerships and community collaboration. 

To learn more about Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement, visit Literacy in Ohio on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's website. 

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's website offers a large amount of information educators require to successfully meet the needs of students.  Below are some topics and links from that literacy educators may need right now.

High Quality Instructional Materials

Under Ohio Revised Code 3313.6028, instructional materials in English language arts must be aligned with the science of reading and strategies for effective literacy instruction. The resources below provide information on the science of reading and Ohio’s commitment to effective literacy instruction. For more information please visit the DEW page.

Professional Development in the Science of Reading

Under Section 265.330(A)(2) of House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly, districts and schools shall require all teachers and administrators to complete a course provided by the Department not later than June 30, 2025, except that any teacher or administrator who has previously completed similar training, as determined by the Department, shall not be required to complete the course. Please visit the DEW site for the most recent updates and guidance documents.

Dyslexia Support

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Ohio’s set of dyslexia support laws established several requirements for addressing needs of students with dyslexia or dyslexic characteristics and tendencies. Visit the Dyslexia Supports page for the most updated information including guidance documents professional development and certification specifications, FAQ's and more. Questions about the dyslexia support laws can be sent to [email protected].

Third Grade Reading Guarantee

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Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee (TGRG) is a framework districts use to identify and support students from kindergarten through grade 3 who are not "on-track" for reading success.

The Third Grade Reading Guarantee page includes updated promotion scores, Grade 3 ELA Test Information, reading diagnostic options and Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMPs) requirements, the RIMP Intervention Video Series and much more.  

Literacy Academy

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Since 2018 the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has hosted an annual Literacy Academy event providing professional learning opportunities to support the use of evidence-based language and literacy practices and to assist districts, schools and early childhood education programs working towards raising literacy achievement. Visit the Literacy Academy page to access previous years videos and materials.  

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Upcoming Events

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Join the Region 8 Literacy Leaders Network: Bringing Science of Reading to Life in the Classroom

We are excited to continue our collaboration community improvement network with the Region 8 Literacy Leaders Network with SST8, Summit ESC, Medina ESC, focusing on the Science of Reading. This initiative allows professional development to come alive in the classroom as educators share practical applications. Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss challenges and solutions with colleagues, enhancing their ability to apply the Science of Reading knowledge effectively. Don't miss this chance to collaborate and grow with fellow educators!

Stay tuned for Registration in our Event Calendar.