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and Summit Counties


Literacy in Ohio

Literacy in Ohio Icon
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce aims to increase student achievement through improving language and literacy outcomes for all students. A successful language and literacy framework is built on five interrelated components—teacher capacity, shared leadership, multi-tiered systems of support, parent partnerships and community collaboration. 

To learn more about Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement, visit Literacy in Ohio on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's website. 

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's website offers a large amount of information educators require to successfully meet the needs of students.  Below are some topics and links from that literacy educators may need right now.

Topic: Dyslexia Support

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Ohio’s set of dyslexia support laws established several requirements for addressing needs of students with dyslexia or dyslexic characteristics and tendencies. Visit the Dyslexia Supports page for the most updated information including guidance documents professional development and certification specifications, FAQ's and more.

Questions about the dyslexia support laws can be sent to [email protected].

Topic: Third Grade Reading Guarantee

3rd Grade Button
Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee (TGRG) is a framework districts use to identify and support students from kindergarten through grade 3 who are not "on-track" for reading success.

The Third Grade Reading Guarantee page includes updated promotion scores, Grade 3 ELA Test Information, reading diagnostic options and Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMPs) requirements, the RIMP Intervention Video Series and much more.  

Topic: Literacy Academy

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Since 2018 the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has hosted an annual Literacy Academy event providing professional learning opportunities to support the use of evidence-based language and literacy practices and to assist districts, schools and early childhood education programs working towards raising literacy achievement. Visit the Literacy Academy page to access previous years videos and materials.