Adolescent Literacy Improvement Network (ALIN)-on-line/virtual-CANCELLED-
Event Date: 6/9/2023
Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Time: 10:30 AM
Location: On-line/virtual
Registration Starts: Friday, November 18, 2022
Registration Ends: Monday, January 16, 2023
Registration Details:
Adolescent Literacy Improvement Network (ALIN): The ALIN is designed for secondary literacy leaders (principals, assistant principals, coaches, department heads, teachers, etc.) who seek refreshed training and resources aimed at improving literacy instruction and student performance in grades 4-12. The questions the ALIN will set out to answer at each session are: -What does effective instruction and intervention look like in secondary ELA classrooms? -How can we foster a renewed approach to direct literacy instruction in content classrooms without it seeming like another thing on the plate? -What curricular resources (adopted programs, texts, software, etc.) are districts using and what feedback and advice can they provide? Using practical resources, concise presentations and a train-the-trainer approach, special topics such as disciplinary literacy, content literacy, effective intervention and others will be explored. Sessions will also include breakout sessions, guest presenters from within the network and ample time to pose questions, get answers and mingle with role-alike colleagues in the region. Sessions: 10/7/22; 12/9/22; 2/10/23; 4/14/23; 6/9/23. Registering for day 1 registers you for all the sessions. Audience: Secondary literacy leaders (principals, assistant principals, coaches, department heads, teachers, etc.)