Regional Support for Special Education Profile Indicators 1&2 (on-line/virtual)
Event Date: 1/23/2023
Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Location: On-line/virtual
Registration Starts: Monday, January 23, 2023
Registration Ends: Monday, January 23, 2023
Registration Details:
SST8 will be providing a virtual zoom session to school districts and LEAs within Region 8 that have a 2022-2023 Special Education Profile noncompliance finding for Indicators 1 & 2 (Graduation & Dropout). Indicators 1 & 2 are new to the Phase 1 release of the SpEd Profile and now have mandated actions that teams will need to complete by specific timelines. Due to many districts/LEAs having this "new" finding, SST 8 consultants will walk participants through the required steps and documents to be submitted to the state as indicated in their profile during this session. Consultants will provide helpful guidance, suggestions, and tips to make this process easier and to clarify the needed information in documents. Please plan to attend this session if you have an Indicator 1 or 2 finding on your 22-23 SpEd Profile.
Audience: Special Education District Coordinators & Building/District Administrators
Confirmation and Zoom information will be sent after you register.