Disability: Tailored specifically for students with special needs.
Contact: Beyond Words: Music & Dance Center, Erin Jester
Address: 6058 Royalton Road
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: 440 230-6100 x700
Fees: See website
Ages: 4 to 6, 6 to 9, and 9 to13 years
Days: Monday-Friday, 3 hours/day, 1-week camp
Additional Details
Our unique camp features the experience of two professionals—music therapy and speech therapy. This summer program is perfect for emerging communicators, using pictures, devices and verbal approximations in a non-threatening environment filled with music. Your child will sing, dance and play instruments while working on communication skills of requesting items, choosing from 2-3 items and participating in a music ensemble. This camp is appropriate for students who have special needs. Please see website for more details about camps, rates, dates and times.